STEPHEN J. CARTER | Direct Response Copywriter

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Year: 2022

How To Automate A Post Webinar Launch Campaign With ActiveCampaign

Setting up auto responder automations can be tricky.

This is especially true if you want to do something your auto responder does not lend itself to doing easily, yet they give you the tools to do it anyway on the off-chance you’ll be able to see a way to pull it off.

ActiveCampaign provides marketers with a lot of email campaign set-up flexibility.… read the full article

How To Convert Cold Traffic Into Zoom Webinar Registrants And Attendees

Webinars can be real time savers when it comes to the often protracted task of converting leads into customers. Instead of dripping out content in an email series over a period of months to introduce yourself to prospects you can run an accelerated follow up series to registrants for your webinar.

The trick is to be able to do this with cold traffic, which is made up of people who have no idea who you are before they see your webinar announcement somewhere on the internet.… read the full article

ASK Quiz Case Study: Discover Your Menopause Type

Over the years I have dabbled with the construction of ASK Method-style quiz funnels.

But unlike most people who try this I do not rely on established quiz-builder software to manage my quizzes. Instead I build my own quizzes from scratch. This comes with certain advantages and disadvantages.

The most obvious disadvantage is that this is a technically difficult thing to pull off.… read the full article

How To Sell Tickets To A Symposium In A Salt Mine

Usually when I see a copy gig like the one which resulted in this post I would not attempt to secure the job. But in this instance the circumstances were different enough to make it seem worthwhile.

Unfortunately the job posting was withdrawn just hours after it was posted.

Even so, this was enough time for me to whip up copy for the first message for what I thought might prove to be an interesting email sequence dedicated to selling tickets to a symposium which would be held in a salt mine at a remote location.… read the full article