As part of the discovery process for promotional angles for the Ageless Brain program I do end up checking out my fair share of brain science studies. Especially those publications dealing with the results of small-scale human clinical trials.

In particular, I pay attention to studies which look at the mitigating effects of certain natural foods or extracts on age-related cognitive impairment.

A friend of the creator of the Ageless Brain program reported encouraging results treating her father’s dementia with a protocol that included a diet high in healthy fats. This led me to look at anecdotal reports of Alzheimer’s disease treatments involving coconut oil and MCT oils. MCTs are medium chain triglyclerides, and these are typically extracted from coconut oil.

From there it was a short step to arguments relating to impaired brain metabolism, ketones rather than glucose as an alternative fuel source for the brain, and clinical trials involving ketogenic MCT oils carried out on a very small number of cognitively-challenged participants – of the order of 50 or so people.

But the straight up results of these trials would not be enough to convince me to create an email sequence to promote ketogenic oils (in this case from Bulletproof 360) if there were not also some interesting science arguments to be found in support of the results. Otherwise a single message could be used to deliver the news.

Instead, I came up with three messages to convey the important ideas and persuade the reader that Brain Octane Oil from Bulletproof is especially promising when it comes to jumpstarting the stalled energy-deprived brains of people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or early stage Alzheimer’s disease.

I saw no suggestion that ketogenic oils might reverse brain damage at any level. But slow it down? Erase some of the troubling symptoms of brain hypometabolism? Yes. The evidence for this seems to be quite good.

Here’s how I went about presenting the story of ketogenic oils for brain health.

PROMO #1: Open With A Surprising Scientific Finding

To anyone who has looked into ways to alleviate memory loss or any of the other symptoms of mild cognitive impairment, the notion that our brains run on more than a single source of fuel might not be an entirely new idea.

But I suspect the majority of people, even those who are concerned about the health of their brain, could not tell you what the secondary fuel is. They might not even be fully aware that glucose, or blood sugar, is the primary fuel. So the first message in this sequence is to either remind them of that fact, or bring them up to speed.

Once they are familiar with basic brain metabolism then we can discuss the alternative fuel source.

This turns out to be important when considering the challenges of mild cognitive impairment and early stage dementia because the chief driver of the processes which lead to these conditions seems more and more as time goes by to be energy deprivation. Or hypometabolism in the brain.

Once we have established this idea then we will be able to consider how best to rectify the situation (in the email message to follow this one).

SUBJECT: Your brain has a secondary power source?

NAME, did you realize your brain has a backup power generator?

Honestly, it is almost never used.

That's probably why so few people know about it...

And yet, the science on the mechanism behind it is very clear.

So is the conclusion of the published research on what this could mean for the long-term health of your brain.

That's because this secondary source of energy can be tapped into when needed to combat:

  • brain fog
  • impaired thinking
  • faulty memory
  • mood swings
  • even worrisome behavioral changes

In other words all the usual symptoms of a "fatigued" brain - which is to say, an energy-impaired brain.

I'm sure you know the difference between feeling like your brain is brimming with energy, and feeling like you never seem to have enough of the stuff...

depleted brain energy

Hey, it's Carolyn Hansen.

Just recently I spent hours combing through scientific papers and watching obscure video presentations to learn everything I could about this little-discussed "backup" energy source that can be used when your brain finds itself in a pinch.

So... If you or someone you know suffers from "brain fatigue" you'll probably be as delighted as I was to put this information to use - which turns out to be surprisingly easy to do.

Before I tell you about this alternate energy source, let me remind you about the primary source.

95 percent of the energy used to fuel your brain comes in the form of glucose.

Blood sugar.

Now, on average your brain is 10 times more metabolically active than the tissues found elsewhere in your body.

So while it only weighs in at 2.0-2.3 percent of body weight it consumes 20-23 percent of your daily energy requirements, almost all of which is coming from the burning of glucose.

Anything that interferes with that burning, or fuel consumption, means less energy for the critical operations that run your brain.

Stuff like keeping the voltage difference high enough on either side of brain synapses so neurotransmitters can fire off and relay signals from one cell to the next.

Unfortunately, the older you get the less glucose is metabolized for the production of brain cell energy.

Part of the reason is that less glucose is able to find its way into brain cells.

Glucose transporter proteins on the surfaces of the blood-brain barrier and the brain cells themselves are expressed in lower numbers when your diet is deficient in certain critical nutrients, like the omega-3 fatty acid DHA.

So unless you are supplementing with a quality fish oil, or getting your omega-3s elsewhere, this by itself could affect your glucose uptake.

Insulin resistance, which develops prior to a diagnosis of diabetes (once again, usually due to poor eating habits), can also inhibit glucose uptake in some areas of the brain, like the hippocampus which mediates memory and learning.

Even the mitochondria, the tiny bean-shaped structures in cells that eventually release the energy pent up in a glucose molecule, can themselves become dysfunctional.

In fact, there are a number of potential points of failure along the glucose metabolism pathway.

Over time they begin to add up and the amount of energy available to your brain from this metabolic pathway drops.

In a healthy but aged brain it drops maybe 5 percent.

That's not quite enough to cause any noticeable symptoms of that brain fatigue I mentioned earlier.

But if circumstances conspire to approximately double that deficit of energy to the brain, say to 10 percent, then that "brain fatigue" tends to result in a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) at the doctor's office.

Now you're having trouble remembering appointments, even the conversations you had just yesterday.

And the thought of having to figure out how to fill out an unfamiliar form, or decipher a road map...

That's leaving you with a kind of queasy feeling you never had to deal with in the past...

It is at this point that we tend to really take notice of what is going on with ourselves (or someone close to us notices) and we begin looking for some kind of magic pill to roll back the clock!

Luckily there is one.

At least in the sense you may be able to fill in the "energy gap" caused by the drop in glucose metabolism.

That's where our backup power generator comes in.

Because in fully functional brains the 5 percent of energy that cannot be traced back to glucose comes from an entirely separate source of fuel.

The ketone.

You may have heard of diets which are based on ketogenic principles.

That's because fasting, or significantly reducing your carbohydrate consumption, dramatically lowers blood glucose in your body, forcing it to switch to ketones to enable your brain to keep functioning.

Ketones are fully capable of supplying the energy needs of your brain but they work a little differently than glucose does.

That difference turns out to be hugely important to anyone suffering the effects of a glucose-metabolism impaired brain.

For instance, someone with dementia.

Because the ketone pathway to the brain can still be fully functionally and exploited when the glucose pathway is showing noticeable compromise.

In my next message I'll explain why this is and how you can use the information to significantly boost energy levels in your brain even when you think you're suffering only very modest levels of fatigue.

Better yet, you can get this done without a lick of ketone-inducing dieting.

I'll also tell you about the science which suggests supplementing with ketones could help to keep your neurons functioning superbly for decades to come.

Until tomorrow,
Carolyn Hansen
Creator of the Ageless Brain protocol

PROMO #2: Introduce An Important Application For The New Finding

Being able to point to positive findings in the results of a human clinical trial on the efficacy of a promising brain health supplement is always going to be helpful when promoting that supplement.

But probably not as helpful as being able to point to a single documented case study involving someone who appears to have benefitted from taking the supplement.

Anecdotal accounts of “good news” visited upon a single person should not hold sway (they mean nothing from a statistical point of view) but people respond to such stories nonetheless. So we use them whenever we can.

But only if the story of the account is consistent with what the studies are suggesting. Otherwise instead of illustrating the science narrative, the story would require making one up, which is a no-no.

In this case it was the human story that lead me to investigate the science behind the apparent influence of ketogenic oils on brain function, so it should not be surprising that the anecdotal evidence reflects the clinical evidence.

By using the “real life” story we can capture the reader’s interest long enough to get us back into the theory of ketones as an alternative fuel source of fuel for the brain, and as a rescue plan for damaged brains that cannot sufficiently metabolize glucose.

This will allow us to introduce Brain Octane Oil as a source of “instant brain energy” in the form of ketones.

SUBJECT: She used ketones to rescue her dad's damaged brain

Hey it's Carolyn Hansen.

It is easy to get caught up in the hype that surrounds the so-called "cures" for brain dysfunction we hear about daily.

Most of it is based on misinformation and a willingness to exploit the basic human need to believe that surely something can be done to help a loved one in need.

Fortunately, not everything you hear is pure bunkum...

When the father of a friend of mine was diagnosed with dementia his doctor told her there was nothing more that could be done for him.

The doctor turned out to be wrong.

But my friend only found that out because she refused to give up on her dad.

She did the research, and when she discovered a consistency of findings she took notice of what the science was telling her...

That the human brain, even when plunged into the harrowing experience of early-stage dementia, can still be rescued to some extent by taking the appropriate cause of action.

In this case it turned out to be (not so surprisingly) a combination of exercise and a diet high in healthy fats that restored most of her father's cognitive functions.

"Eighty-five percent improvement," she told me.

When you find yourself suddenly paying $10K every month for care giver services, as she was, this kind of news is life-changing!

If you would you like to know just HOW she was able to pull this off, and how you can use the very same approach to keep your brain in the safe zone keep reading.

I think you'll find this is well worth your time!

In my last message I told you about the "energy gap" that opens up in glucose metabolism as you age.

Your brain cells, which initially depend on glucose for 95 percent of their energy needs, slowly become "glucose intolerant".

Many brain researchers suspect this ever-growing deficit of energy is the main driver of the epidemic of dementia we are seeing in the elderly.

Some people are a lot more susceptible to the influence of this energy gap than others.

So at worst it represents a risk factor.

One that suggests, for a brain suffering mild cognitive impairment, the energy deficit will be around 10-12 percent.

But for full-scale dementia your brain will be metabolizing as much as 25 percent less energy than a healthy brain of the same age.

Fortunately, as I told you in my previous message, your brain has a way to fill in the energy gap.

A kind of backup power generator that is used to supply the other 5 percent of your brain energy needs when things are going well.

brain energy gap

And when there's a shortage of energy?

This backup source of energy can do a lot better than that when the circumstances favor it.

If you remember, this secondary fuel source for your brain known as the ketone.

It is generated in your liver from a particular type of healthy fat which I'll get to in a moment.

What makes the ketone a "metabolic brain saver" is a peculiar property it has which is not shared by glucose, the primary source of fuel for the brain.

Glucose is pulled into the brain, and brain cells, only as the concentration of glucose drops internally (a kind of use only what is needed effect).

So it does not matter how much glucose goes into your blood - if your brain cells are only capable of burning a certain amount because they have become intolerant of glucose, adding more does not result in any more energy being produced to power your brain.

The ketone on the other hand, is not pulled into the brain.

It flows across the blood-brain barrier and across brain cell membranes at a rate which is proportional to its concentration in the blood.

So when you consume more of the right kinds of healthy fats, the ones which are converted into ketones in your liver, you raise the concentration of ketones in your brain and end up lowering the energy gap that causes brain fatigue, or impaired brain function.

You compensate for the faulty glucose metabolism and significantly lower your long-term risk of further neurological damage.

What kind of healthy fats are converted into ketones?

Those that contain what are called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).

Coconut oil has a very high concentration of MCTs (66 percent).
coconut oil

So does sheep's milk (25 percent).

But it turns out the MCTs that convert with the highest rate into ketones are the shortest MCTs.

Natural foods contain a mixture of molecular lengths.

That's why, if you want the greatest possible ketogenic effect from your oil you should use a purified form like the caprylic acid extract known as:

Brain Octane Oil which is sold from the Bulletproof 360 company

This is a 100 percent short MCT extract.

Caprylic acid is also known as C8 because it has eight carbon atoms along its chain.

Refined coconut oils have a mixture of C8, C10, and C12 molecules.

Definitely a good source of energy for the brain.

But not as good as pure C8 caprylic oil.

Remember, you don't have to be exhibiting any of the signs of a fatigued brain to actually be in brain energy deficit.

This state remains hidden from you (and everyone else) for up to 20 years or more.

But damage to your brain may be happening regardless because of that energy gap.

So - if you are at all concerned that your brain might not be burning as many calories as it needs to maintain peak neural health then in my opinion the safe bet is to add a healthy fat like Brain Octane Oil to your diet.

This is where I get mine:
Carolyn Hansen

P.S. I believe my friend relied on plain coconut oil for the most part to help in her dad's brain recovery. Lots of it.

But she also used exercise which is known to increase ketone action. So be sure to get thee to a gym as well if you can spare the time.

PROMO #3: Follow Up With A New Angle

By the end of the second email I have laid out the most important scientific idea, which is that an “energy gap” in the brain materializes as we get older.

This gap is the difference between the amount of energy our brain needs to function optimally, and how much energy can be supplied to it through normal metabolic processes.

The brain of someone with mild cognitive impairment is getting by with an energy deficit of about 10-12 percent. Supplementing with an oil which can be converted into ketones provides a way to make up some of that energy gap.

That is the main angle used in this promotional sequence for ketogenic oils. But there is another that I can use to reintroduce the idea of ketones as an alternative fuel source for the brain.

That angle is brain metabolism in newborns. Because it turns out that around this time in our development ketones are not merely an alternative fuel source. They are the main one.

This insight helps to solidify the importance of ketones as a fuel source for the brain. And once this idea is reinforced in the reader’s mind I can introduce them to a specific human clinical trial that demonstrates why caprylic oil (the short-chain 8 carbon atom MCT in Brain Octane Oil) is the preferred way to generate ketones for brain fuel.

This is the evidence I might have packaged along with the science on ketones introduced in the second message, but that one was getting a little long…

SUBJECT: Brain octane oil to fill the energy gap...

{!firstname}, if you did not already know it before receiving my previous messages on this topic you know it now...

Your brain has a backup power source.

The ketone (as opposed to glucose).

That might seem a little weird - that evolution would provide us with TWO completely different ways to power our brain.

But that outcome seems to have been a direct consequence of becoming the smartest species on the planet.

I told you that as an adult your brain will consume up to 23 percent of your daily energy requirements.

But as a newborn?

The number is an astonishing 74 percent.

Almost three quarters of our entire metabolism during this period is devoted to nourishing and developing our brain!

A baby is basically a brain incubator!

foetal brain scan

And the only way to meet that super high energy demand is to convert fatty acids in the mother's body into ketones and supply them in her breast milk.

Glucose metabolism alone can only get you 70-75 percent of the way there.

The rest has to come from ketones.

Now, you may remember that by the time you reach adulthood the ketone-derived fraction of your brain's daily energy requirement is just 5 percent.

But as I pointed out last time your brain slowly becomes glucose intolerant as you age.

An "energy gap" develops between what your brain needs for optimal health, and what your metabolism is actually able to supply it.

By the time that energy gap has grown to about 10-12 percent you can expect the symptoms of mild cognitive impairment to be kicking in.

By the time the gap doubles in size to 25 percent or more you are in terrible trouble.

Perhaps you've even been committed to a full-time memory care facility.

Such was the fate of my mother.

Of course, at same the time she was going through the tribulations that come with a diagnosis of dementia I had not the faintest clue about the cause of her condition.

But you can bet I've done a lot of research in the time since.

That's how I know brain scientists today are becoming ever more confident about the influence of that energy gap on the deterioration of the tiny structures in the brain (the neurons and the mitochondria) which keep us from "going off the deep end".

We now know that even when glucose metabolism in the brain becomes impaired the ketone metabolic pathway remains almost fully pliable.

This is great news.

Because it means we can use it to reduce the energy gap that is thought to kick off the slow degradation of our mental faculties.

The science suggests that when a neuron (brain cell) becomes energy-depleted it attempts to save itself by cutting back on energy-intensive processes.

This means:

  • It prunes back on the dendrites which it uses to offload signals to neighboring cells (making it harder and harder to form or retrieve memories).

  • It presses the pause button for repair operations on the myelin sheath which wraps the signal-conducting axon that reaches out to remote parts of the brain.

  • It also cuts way back on neurotransmitter production.

The end result of all these attempts to conserve energy by your glucose-impaired neurons?

Slowed signaling, reduced signaling, and you feeling dull, feeling uninspired, maybe even feeling loopy.

Eventually, starved of too much energy, the brain cell loses its fight and is eliminated altogether.

But it doesn't need to be this way.

Because just as the energy shortfall in the newborn's brain is met with a large influx of ketones, the "fatigued" brains of those who are older, less glucose tolerant, and perhaps even suffering the symptoms of mild cognitive impairment (or worse), can find some relief.

Supplementing with a ketogenic oil to close the energy gap isn't just easy to do.

It has been shown in human clinical studies to reduce the symptoms of a fatigued brain.

In fact, in a study published in May 2019 in the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, it was shown that 6 months of supplementing daily with 30 grams of MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides with 8 or 10 carbon atoms) caused brain ketone metabolism to increase by 230 percent.

This was enough to noticeably reduce the energy gap and improve test scores of episodic memory, language, executive function and processing speed on a group diagnosed at the beginning of the study with mild cognitive impairment.

You can start off with as little as a teaspoon a day (and increase this to 3-4 teaspoons depending on your preference).

You can also use it any time you'd normally reach for the oil bottle, like for a salad dressing, or to add to your morning cup of coffee.

Brain Octane Oil from Bulletproof 360 is made up of 100 percent Caprylic acid.

That means it is a very short (8 carbon atom) medium chain triglyceride called octanoic acid which is efficiently converted in your liver to ketones - unlike the 10, 12, or 14 carbon atom triglycerides also found in some other ketogenic oils or in coconut oil.

That's why I like Brain Octane Oil.

There's no guesswork - I know the entire teaspoon is going to be converted into brain-usable ketones.

Here's where I get mine:

Carolyn Hansen